## there are two ways to compile JRIEngine - either use ## already installed REngine and JRI and then just ## compile JRIEngine against those jars or use this ## Makefile with all org sources checked out ## in which case the JRIEngine.jar will implicitly ## contain org.rosuda.JRI classes as well ## However, that requires both: ## org/rosuda/JRI ## org/rosuda/REngine JRI_MAIN_SRC=$(wildcard ../../JRI/*.java) JRIENGINE_SRC=JRIEngine.java JAVAC=javac JAR=jar JFLAGS=-source 1.4 -target 1.4 all: JRIEngine.jar JRIEngine.jar: $(JRI_MAIN_SRC) $(JRIENGINE_SRC) rm -rf org $(JAVAC) $(JFLAGS) -classpath ../REngine.jar -d . $^ $(JAR) fc $@ org clean: rm -rf org *~ JRIEngine.jar *.class make -C test clean